10 Best Yoga Poses for Weight Loss - Health Tips

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Monday, June 15, 2020

10 Best Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

10 Best Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Yoga is normally seen as a relaxing activity that is intended to calm the mind and help get rid of anxiety. But I’m here to tell you that yoga could just as well be a great way to get in shape and drop some weight.

Perhaps the best thing about yoga is that it will help you lose weight at the same time as building your muscle and improving your flexibility.
Aside from physical effects of it that’s burning calories, yoga actually help you lose weight more through its mental aspects.

We all know that stress leads to a poor diet.  Yoga helps to greatly reduce stress, which not only helps you make better decisions but also lowers cortisol levels.

Cortisol is the stress hormone that causes weight gain.  Lowering your cortisol levels will help you naturally lose weight.

A quick word of advice… you’ll get out of yoga as much as you put into it. Anyone can do the motions but in the end, the game changing factor is challenging your mind and body and taking your practices to new levels.

If you challenge yourself you’ll burn more calories and lose more weight.

Now if you’re ready, begin your exercise journey with the poses I’ve rounded up for you below that will help burn fat, build muscle tone, and give you more flexibility.

Hold each posture as long as you can, that may be 15 to 20 seconds at first, but each time you practice hold the posture for a few second longer and practice your way up to a minute if you can.


Many of the poses below have the instruction to “repeat on the other side”. This means it’s a two sided pose and you have to repeat the pose on both sides of the body to build strength and flexibility equally in the body.

Remember to breathe. Inhale and exhale slowly and steadily during all the poses. Let’s get started.

1. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

The first one is the triangle pose. It’s a great aligning and stretching pose that works your entire body.

This pose strengthens the muscles in the thighs, hips, and back, while toning the knees and ankles. It also stimulates the organs of the torso, improving metabolism.yoga-trianle-pose

With a deep stretch for the hamstring, groins and hips,”Trikonasana “helps relieve lower back pain and sluggish digestion.

Start with a wide legged stance and then turn your right foot out. Now stretch your arms out, wide open pushing the right side of your waistline over your right leg and slowly go down, facing upwards with a flat back.

Keep your right palm on the ground and your left hand stretched upwards.

Repeat on the other side.

2. Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana)

Plank Pose tones all of the core muscles of the body, including the abdomen, chest, and low back. 

It strengthens the arms, wrists, and shoulders, and is often used to prepare the body for more challenging arm balances.

Plank also strengthens the muscles surrounding the spine,

which improves posturePracticing this pose for several minutes impyoga-plank-pose-for-weight-lossroves endurance and stamina while toning the nerve system.

To do a standard plank you should first,

Plant the hands directly under the shoulders (slightly wider than shoulder-width apart) like you’re about to do a push-up, keeping your body from the top of your head to the heals in a straight line.

Neutralize the neck and spine by looking at a spot on the floor about a foot beyond the hands.

Make sure not to let your hips sink too low or stick up in the air. 

3. Side Plank Pose (vasisthasana)

Side plank has all the benefits that the standard plank offers you, from improving your core definition and performance to boosting your overall metabolism and strengthening your arms and wrists.

To hold a side plank position …yoga-side-plank-pose

Begin in regular plank position and tilt your feet to the left so that the outer right side of your right foot is touching the mat and the left foot is on top of the right (as pictured above).

Shift your weight onto your right hand as you remove your left hand from the ground.  Slowly lift your left arm straight up ahead of you towards the ceiling.

Keep your shoulder and hips in one line with each other and not leaning backward or forward.

Really engage your core to keep your hips from sagging towards the floor. You want to be one long, strong line of energy in this pose.

Repeat this on the other side. 

4. Boat Pose (Navasana)

This pose deeply challenges the abdomen, spine, and hip flexors, building strength and steadiness at the body’s core.

It stimulates the abdominal organs, including the kidneys and intestines, which improves digestion.

This pose also encourages healthy regulation of the thyroid and prostate glands, helping to maintain metabolisyoga-boat-posem and relieve stress.

Begin seated with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hands resting beside your hips.

Keeping your spine straight, lean back slightly and lift your feet, bringing your shins parallel to the floor.

When you feel stable enough, raise the arms extending them forward so that they are parallel with the ground while keeping your palms facing each other.

Balance on your sit bones, keeping your spine straight. Take care not to let your lower back sag or chest collapse.

5. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

This is the yoga version of a squat hold and also deserved a spot amongst the yoga poses for weight loss. You will feel it in your quadriceps.

Chair Pose strengthens the thighs and ankles, while toning the shoulders, butt, hips, and back.

Holding this pose for several breaths increases the heart rate,yoga-chair-pose-for-weight-loss

stimulating the circulatory and metabolic systems. It builds a lot of heat in the body, and fast!

To begin this pose, stand your feet together, with the big toes touching, and the arms straight above your head as you lower into a squatting position.

Try to take the thighs as nearly parallel to the floor as possible. And lean your torso slightly forward over the thighs until the front torso forms approximately a right angle with the tops of the thighs.

Try to tuck your hips and avoid arching your back too much.

Make sure that you can still see your feet in front of your knees.  If you can’t, your knees are bent too far forward.

6. Tree Pose (Veriksasana)

Tree pose is usually the first standing balance pose that is taught to yoga beginners because it’s the simplest. But don’t be fooled by the look of it.

It’s actually harder to keep your balance in this posture than what it looks like.

It stretches the thighs, groins, torso, and shoulders and builds strength in the ankles and calves, in addition to toning the abdominal muscles.

Bring your left foot in to rest on the inside of your left thigh.  Keep your back straight.

Your body may have a tendency to lean forward when trying to balance but bring your shoulders back up.

The important thing to work on in tree pose is making sure that the pressure of your lifted foot on your standing leg doesn’t cause that side’s hip to stick out.

Bring the hands together at the center of the chest to help with balance, and then try to lift them above your head with your hands pointing towards the ceiling and facing inwards.

Repeat this on the other side. 

7. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)

Warrior I pose is usually followed by Warrior II and warrior III. They are performed in a flow in which you go from one pose to another fluidly.

The set of warrior poses is an important part of your yoga practices for weight loss and should not be ignored.

These poses stretch the whole front side of the body while …yoga-warrior-1-for-weight-loss

… strengthening the thighs, ankles, back and the muscles in your thighs and buttocks.  

This is a powerful standing pose that develops stamina, balance, and coordination as well as toning the abdomen, ankles, and arches of the feet.

Warrior I is similar to a high lunge, but the back foot is pointed out at an angle rather than tucked under.

Step your feet wide apart about 4 to 5 feet, bending your right knee forward directly over your right ankle while keeping it at a 90-degree angle.  But for many beginners, your stance may look lie the picture above (slightly higher than 90).

Reach up strongly through your arms, broadening your belly and lengthening your waist line as you lift through your chest. If possible, bring your palm together however; you can also keep your arms parallel.

Remember to keep your pelvis turned toward the front of your mat.

Try to hold in this pose for 30 seconds or longer and then transition into warrior II.
Note: you will want to repeat all 3 of the warrior poses on the other side after you finish them on the first side.

8. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Warrior II has all the benefits of warrior I pose. It is a deep hip-opening pose that stretches legs, groin and chest and could relieve back pain. 

To this form of warrior pose, from warrior I,  you will simply extend your arms out to the sides, as you move your chest and hips to face the same direction as your back foot (45 degrees).

Keep your arms parallel to the ground and your front knee as close to a 90 degree angle as possible.yoga-worrior-2-for-weight-loss

Try to hold in this pose for 30 seconds or longer and then transition into warrior III.
Note: you will want to repeat all 3 of the warrior poses on the other side after you finish them on the first side. 

9. Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III)

Warrior III strengthens the whole back side of the body, including the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, ankles, and back.  But it doesn’t stop there.

It also tones and strengthens the abdominal muscles, as well as improving balance, posture, and full-body coordination.yoga-warrior-3-for-weight-loss

It may look easy enough but holding in this position with the right form for more than few seconds, could be quite a challenge.

From Warrior II, twist your chest to face the forward direction again as you bring your arms straight out in front of you for balance.

To stay balanced, bring your back leg up closer to the front and then slowly begin to lift it up pressing your weight on your right leg.

Lower your torso as you lift you back leg and bring your body parallel to the ground.

Stretch your body from your fingertips all the way through your lifted heel and gaze at the floor a few feet in front of your body.

It will take time, strength, and flexibility to improve your form.  But you can make it by practicing often.

Try to hold in this position for 30 seconds or longer and then repeat the entire set of warrior poses on the other side of the body.

10. Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana)

Shoulderstand is an inverted yoga pose that stretches the back of the neck while strengthening the spine and core muscles. 

 It’s full of benefits and tends to be more accessible than other inversions.

In addition to stimulating the thyroid gland, this pose also relieves stress and depression,

improves digestion, opens the shoulders and neck, and strengthens your legs, buttocks, back, and abs.

Begin by lying flat on your back with your legs extended and your arms at your sides, palms down. Bend your knees and place the soles of your feet flat on the floor.

Use your abdominal muscles to lift your legs and hips off the floor, and curl your torso to bring your knees in toward your face.

As you do this, bend your elbows and place the hands on your lower back, just above your hips to keep yourself upright.

Now slowly extend your legs toward the ceiling and bring your torso and the legs perpendicular to the floor.  

Keep your elbows on the ground, shoulder-width apart and do not let your elbows splay out to the sides.

The hardest part of a yoga practice is getting yourself on the mat every day! But remember that your health and well-being should be the highest priority.

As important as physical exercise is for overall wellbeing and keeping health related troubles at bay, all your effort will remain futile if you don’t team it with proper diet.

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